Home > Scientific Calculators > fx-991CW
ClassWiz® advanced scientific calculator
The fx-991CW ClassWiz is the latest enhancement to the scientific calculator. With an all-new quadruple graded LCD display, users will be able to easily find their cursor while writing and modifying expressions.
All of the calculator's functions can be accessed through the convenient Math Catalog. The Math Catalog also hosts 47 scientific constants and 40 measurement conversions. By partnering the ClassWiz with an internet-capable mobile device, solutions can be graphed and visualized through ClassPad.net by scanning a QR code on the calculator's screen.

Released in the US in 2023, the fx-991CW is the latest generation of scientific calculators from Casio. The fx-991CW is the direct successor to the fx-991EX with additional enhancements.
The ClassWiz features circular, convex buttons that are appropriately spaced to prevent the mis-keying of information, and the button labels now feature glyphic representations of the functions they perform. The hard plastic case features an etched edge surface to prevent slipping in the hand. The ClassWiz can store and recall up to nine variables which can contain integers, computations, and functions. The variables will persist in the calculator's memory between sessions - a feature highly requested by educators worldwide.
Graphing without a grapher? Incredible!
Step 1:
Perform your calculation and get the result, like completing a table for f(x),g(x).

Step 2:
Generate a QR code with [SHIFT]+[x] and scan it with your external device.

Step 3:
Visualize the result using ClassPad Math's scratch pad, table, graph, or number line.

Step 4:
Perform your analysis such as finding intersections, roots, modifying the graph, and much more.

fx-991CW and fx-991EX
Scientific emulators
The ClassWiz emulator is our first OS-agnostic digital translation of hardware technology. The emulator can be accessed through ClassPad.net as a 'sticky.' The ClassWiz sticky features keystroke history, calculator screen capture, and integration with other ClassPad Math stickies such as the graph and table visualizers.
Manuals and Guides
Casio calculator manuals and quick start guides help users make better use of their devices faster. Get the fx-991CW user manual below as a comprehensive resource to learn how to use your calculator.
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