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Home  >  Scientific Calculators  >  fx-115ES Plus 2nd Edition

fx-115ES Plus 2

Second edition advanced scientific calculator


The fx-115ES Plus 2 is an advanced scientific calculator featuring Natural Textbook Display™ that is an excellent choice for high school and college students learning Algebra II, Trigonometry, Statistics, Calculus, Engineering, and Physics.


The fx-115ES is capable of matrix and vector calculations, a complex number mode, probability, summation, integration, and has stored up to 40 scientific constants and 40 metric conversions.

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The 115 is a proven line of advanced electronic calculators by Casio, launched back in the mid 1980's. The fx-115ES Plus 2nd Edition is the successor of the latest "first edition" 115ES calculator. The fx-115ES Plus is on the list of approved calculators for the NCEES engineering and surveying exams.


Easily identify local minima and maxima, perform derivative and integral calculations, summation sequences, and much more with this robust handheld scientific calculator. The 115ES Plus offers simultaneous and polynomial equation solving with up to three unknowns. 

Classroom Emulator

Get the fx-ES PLUS Emulator for fx-115ES Plus 2nd Edition

* The standalone emulator software can be downloaded, but licenses cannot be purchased at this time.


If you require a key, please contact us.

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Manuals and Guides

Casio calculator manuals and quick start guides help users make better use of their devices faster. Get the fx-115ES Plus 2 user manual below as a comprehensive resource to learn how to use your calculator.


Hardware User Guide

Useful resource to help users learn how to use and care for the physical aspects of the calculator.


Quick Start Guide

A very helpful resource for users to learn basic proficiency over their calculator in a short amount of time.

Need more resources? Visit the Resource Library and Discussion Board for activities and tutorials.

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